E-learning courses for companies – 5 current trends
A recent study by KfW on the topic of “Digital Competencies in SMEs” confirms the high demand among SMEs in Germany for further training in the area of digital competencies. More than 80% of the companies surveyed confirm a great or very great need for...
Convert e-learning courses from PowerPoint content in 3 steps
The last two years have shown many companies the necessity, but also the advantages of e-learning courses. In addition to the possibilities of imparting knowledge without physical presence, the flexibility in scheduling is particularly advantageous. Most of the...
Corporate Learning Trends: What you should know today about learning and development in your company
“There is only one thing more expensive than education in the long run: no education. These words of John F. Kennedy warn of the problems of a society that saves on education and ends up paying for it. But they can also be applied to a company. Here, too, it can...
Mobile learning definition, advantages, examples
Our learning behaviour is changing. We have long since ceased to absorb our knowledge only in the classroom, lecture hall or seminar room. On the contrary: we learn everywhere – whether in the library, on the train or outside in the city park. Flexible learning...